The “Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage” is issued to Kenyan citizens wishing to have their marriages conducted abroad.

The requirements are as follows: –
  1. Duly filled Application form.
  2. Certified copy of applicant’s Valid Kenyan passport.
  3. Certified copy of applicant’s Kenyan birth certificate
  4. Certified copy of applicant’s resident permit.
  5. Certified copy of fiancé national passport.
  6. Verify that you have the required document/pre-requisites, and you meet the relevant criteria before you apply.
  7. The applicant to indicate mode of delivery via email or telephone call.
  8. Fee to be paid to:
  9. Non-refundable fee of €140.00
    • Bank: La Caixa
    • Account holder: Embajada de la República de Kenia
    • Account nº: ES53 2100 9055 1807 0000 5786

Note: Duration for issuance of Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage is six to eight weeks.